Preregistered Program Roster

The Preregistered Program Roster report is intended to be a printable list you can use to track who has attended an event that requires registration. You can use this report as part of a manual check-in process where you verify the registrants and their preference selections upon arrival. You can then mark them as attended on the report. After the event, with the attendance information, you can access the Registrants tab on the event record and mark the corresponding registrants as attended or not attended.

If event restrictions have been added to a patron’s constituent record, they are listed in the Notes column on this report. For example, if a constituent is allergic to nuts, that allergy can be added to the Personal tab of the patron’s constituent record.

By default, when you access the report all preregistered programs are included. To view only a specific preregistered program, select it in the Program field and select the date parameters in the Date fields. Additionally, with the Sort by field, you can sort the report by first name or last name. Also, click Include registration information to view responses to registration questions. You can also select to view the report in a detail grid or summary, as well as, the responses to specific sections. To apply the filters and view the updated report, click View report.

Note: You can also run this report when viewing a specific preregistered event record. In this case, the Program, Date, and Sort by filters are not displayed. Instead, the report provides data only for the event you are viewing.