Add Daily Admission Programs

Unlike a scheduled program that requires you to schedule specific events before you can sell tickets, the daily admission program is untimed and requires you to simply add the program to begin selling tickets. It is designed for general admission organizations who sell untimed tickets all day for admission to their facility.

Note: To save time, you can copy a program that already exists instead of starting with an entirely new program. A copied program retains the prices, as well as assigned discounts, fees, and taxes from the program being copied. For more information, see Copy Programs.

When you add a new daily admission program to your database, you typically enter a name and description, select a location where the program takes place, and define prices. When you define prices, you can load a previously created price list or assign valid price types and associated ticket prices without loading a price list. Additionally, you determine whether the program is available for daily sales, advance sales, group sales, and online sales.