Requests and Recommendations List

Online sign-up managers can view recommended, required, and requested course requests from the Requests and Recommendations List. They can then Approve, Deny, or mark requests as Pending.

In Academics, go to Scheduling, then select Requests and recommendations list.

Tip: Add the Request status column to the list to see changes immediately when you approve, deny, or mark a request pending. To see all requests and recommendations for a particular course or student, use the filters.

Select the context menu beside a request or recommendation in the list:

  • Edit requests and recommendations
    Opens the course request approval window, allowing for granular control of the request status. Additional course requests and recommendations associated with the selected student will appear here. Course requests can also be added from this window.
    See Approve & Deny Course Requeststo learn more about course request approval.

  • Edit enrollment
    Displays all requests a student has made, what class/section fulfills the specific request, and all the other possibilities that could fulfill the request.
    Click here to learn more about editing student enrollment

  • Approve
    Marks the corresponding course request as approved; the course will then be included in Generate Schedules, and the request is used to help determine the number of course sections.

  • Deny
    Marks the corresponding course request as denied; the course will not be scheduled.

  • Mark as pending
    Marks the corresponding course request as pending. This is the default status when a course request is first issued; Generate Schedules will schedule courses with this status type.