Emergency Contacts

Emergency contacts inform administrators who to contact by phone or email whenever information vital to the ongoing function or safety of the entire school (such as inclement weather) or specific individuals (such as a medical emergency) needs to be shared with authorized individuals.

Platform managers (and anyone else with access) can manually add or edit the emergency contact information. Users may even have access to edit their own information or that of their children. Data managers can import emergency contact information for students in bulk if contact information is already stored someplace else.

If a contact is also a user, you can select the name of the individual to go to that individual's Contact card.

Note: Platform managers can also customize the instructions that appear when editing the Emergency Contacts section in the contact card.

Tip: A manager can print emergency contacts in bulk, such as to take on a field trip. From Core, select Analysis, Reports, and then search for "emergency" reports. See Reports for information about how to run a report.