The Financial Edge Export File Format

For each transaction in the query used to run the export, the export file has a credit and debit record. The export also includes the following details for each record.

Column Name Description
Batch Shows the batch number that you entered on the Launch page of the export. The batch number is not required to run the export. If you do not know the correct batch number when you run the export from eTapestry, leave the field blank. Before you import the file into The Financial Edge, enter the batch number into the file.
Organization Number

For every row of the export, this is 1. If you are not using the multiple sets of books in your Financial Edge setup, then you may not need this column in order to process your import into The Financial Edge. You can either remove it from export file before you import into The Financial Edge, or leave it unmapped during the import process.

Account Number

For each transaction, it shows the account number (cash, revenue, or receivables) based on the fund, the transaction type, and whether it is the credit or debit record for that transaction.


Shows the journal entry date from each transaction.

Encumbrance Status

For every row, this is "Regular."


Shows whether a record is a credit or debit.


If the transaction is a gift, gift split, payment, recurring gift, or disbursement, this shows the received amount from the transaction. If the transaction is a pledge or pledge split, this shows the pledged amount.


Shows what you entered for the journal field when you created the export. This field is not required. If you do not know the correct journal entry when you export from eTapestry, leave the field blank. Before you import the file into The Financial Edge, enter the Journal entry to the file.

Journal Reference

Shows the name of the constituent account, followed by the transaction type. For example, if the account for Melissa Jordan contained a gift, the Journal Reference for that transaction would be Melissa Jordan-Gift.

Project ID

For each transaction, it shows the project ID based on the Fund.

Project Amount

If the transaction is a gift, gift split, payment, recurring gift, or disbursement, this shows the received amount from the transaction. If the transaction is a pledge or pledge split, this shows the pledged amount.