Account Roles

There are three types of accounts, or account roles, in eTapestry. Each has different capabilities in the database and can be used according to the following guidelines.

  • Constituent: A constituent account is used for people or organizations that make donations, are potential donors, volunteer, or are contacts for your organization. Constituent accounts are the only account type for which you can record financial transactions. The majority of accounts in your database will be constituent accounts.

  • User: User accounts are for those individuals in your organization that need a login ID and password for your eTapestry database. User accounts can log into the database to view, edit, add, and delete information. You cannot enter financial information on a user account.

  • Tribute: Tribute accounts are accounts for whom donations are made in honor, in memory, or in celebration. The account is usually set up in the name of the individual being honored or memorialized. While financial data cannot be entered directly on these accounts, donations made on constituent accounts can be linked to tribute accounts, allowing you to accurately record the amounts donated in honor or memory of a specific individual and generate tribute notification letters. For information about tributes, refer to Tributes.

  • Team: Team accounts display when your organization subscribes to the Personal Fundraising module. For more information, refer to Personal Fundraising.

Note: Some individuals affiliated with your organization may fit into more than one of these categories. For example, a constituent is also a staff member at your organization. This individual has a constituent account and a user account. eTapestry links these two accounts if you create them simultaneously when you add the account.