Delivery Report

This report shows details about your organization's mass email jobs, including delivery success rates, tracked opens, and tracked links.

The first level of the report includes the following details:

  • Date/Time - This shows the date and time when the mailing was launched.

  • Status - This shows the current status of the mailing. This can be active (email is in progress), completed (email has finished), scheduled (email is scheduled for a future date/time), and test or test/spam (for test emails).

  • Mailing ID - This shows the unique ID assigned to the mailing. Click this to access the Mailing Delivery Detail report, which shows detailed information about the specific mass email.

  • Subject - This shows the subject of the mass email.

  • Query - This shows the category and name of the query used to run mass email. Click this to access the query.

  • Total Eligible - This shows the number of email addresses in the query that were eligible for the mass email.

  • In Progress - This shows the number of emails that are currently in the process of sending.

  • Not Attempted - This shows the number of emails that were not attempted for the mass email. Emails may be skipped because of the persona opted out, the email address is a duplicate, the email address is improperly formatted, or the email address failed to deliver in three previous mass email jobs.

  • Attempted - This shows the amount of emails that were attempted for the mass email.

  • Successes - This shows the amount emails that were successfully sent from the email job.

  • Failures - This shows the number of emails that were attempted but were not delivered. Failures can occur when there are issues with the recipient's email server, the recipient's mailbox is full, or the recipient's email provider marked the email as spam.