Export Items on Sales Receipts into QuickBooks Desktop

Before you export deposits, ensure that your eTapestry database is set up with correct funds. Refer to Funds for QuickBooks Desktop.

Based on how your QuickBooks® desktop database is set up, you may need to create one or more user-defined fields. Refer to User-Defined Fields for QuickBooks Desktop.

  1. From Management, click Standard Exports.

  2. Under Accounting Exports, click QuickBooks Desktop Export. The launch screen appears.

  3. Select the category and query which identifies the transactions in eTapestry which should be exported. Consider using a query such as Constituent Journal Entry Date: This Week if you run the export weekly.

    Note: If you are tracking donations with gift types other than cash and check, specify the gift type to be exported in the query. Cash and check donations should be exported together. This gives you control over the way each gift type is exported.

  4. Under Customer Information, select whether to export the name or sort name.

  5. Select Yes under Create Customer Records.

    Warning: If you select No and do not want to track donors in QuickBooks as customers, you should not use the "Cash Sale" option. Selecting "Cash Sale" will always create customer records in QuickBooks.

    When you create customer records, the top of the export file shows your constituents on the Customer record in your QuickBooks® desktop database for each new constituent.

    Note: An error will occur with the QuickBooks® desktop import if you attempt to add donor names to the customer list and the names are already stored in your QuickBooks® desktop database on the Other Names or Vendor lists. The error indicates that the import can't change the type of a name. To correct the issue, manually change the name record in your QuickBooks® desktop database to be the customer type.

  6. Select whether to export optional customer fields.

    The optional customer fields include the account number, address, voice mail number, mobile telephone number, email address, and customer types. Select Yes to export these fields.

  7. Under Transaction information, select Cash Sale for the QuickBooks®Transaction Type. This determines how to store donations in your QuickBooks® desktop database.

    Note: Many of the other transaction information fields will be complete for you when you choose select Cash Sale.

  8. Select to export individual transactions.

  9. Select a transaction grouping option.

    • If you deposit all donations from the week on Friday, we recommend you select Deposit Date.

    • If you make multiple deposits per day, we recommend you select Deposit ID.

    • If you want to combine donations with the same credit/debit card type and gift date into one QuickBooks® transaction we recommend you select Credit/Debit Card Type.

  10. Select whether to create a subtotal by GL account.

    This enables you to combine donations associated with the same credit account and CLASS value into a single distribution within a transaction. Export files created with this option checked will not include any donor information on the transaction. If you want to create a subtotal, you can't export individual transactions.

  11. Select a credit/debit card method.

    • Credit/Debit Card - The words "Credit/Debit Card" appear as the Payment Method on the QuickBooks® transaction for a gift or payment that has the gift type set to "Credit/Debit card" in eTapestry.

    • Credit/Debit Card Type - The credit/debit card type that you selected on the gift page appears in the QuickBooks® Payment Method field.

  12. Select whether to track sales tax. If you track sales tax in QuickBooks, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

  13. For Export General Journal Items to Undeposited funds, select No.

  14. Do not track sales tax.

  15. Under Customizable Fields, select a Account Name as the transaction name.

  16. Select a transaction memo.

  17. Select a distribution memo.

  18. Select a date format.

  19. Select your delivery options.

  20. Click Submit to export the items or click Schedule for Off-Hours to run the export later. When the export is complete, the export file will be in the Intuit® Interchange Format (IIF).

  21. Save the file. You are ready to import the file into QuickBooks® desktop.

    Note: QuickBooks® cannot import from an open file.

  22. To modify the export file, use spreadsheet software (such as Microsoft Excel) to open the IIF file. Save the file. For Save as type, select Text type and ensure that the file name ends with suffix "IIF" (for example: eTapestryExport2-18-14.iif). Confirm that you want to keep the file in the same format. Close the file. You are ready to import the file into QuickBooks® desktop.

  23. Before you import data into QuickBooks® desktop, backup your QuickBooks® desktop database. For more information, refer to your QuickBooks® help documentation.

  24. To import transactions into QuickBooks® desktop, open QuickBooks® desktop. Click File, Utilities, and Import. Then select the name of the IIF file. The import begins when you select the file.

  25. After the import is complete, verify the results to ensure the imported data matches your expectations. If it doesn't you can use the backup to restore the QuickBooks® desktop database to its previous state while you adjust the export process.

  26. After the donations are successfully imported into QuickBooks® desktop database, mark each eTapestry record as Final to help avoid duplicates. This ensures that donations from eTapestry are only recorded one time in your accounting package. To finalize the journal entries, run a mass update using your export query.

  27. To remove transactions that have already been exported from your export query, specify that Journal Entry Status is "Pending". This enables you to reverse a finalized transaction instead of deleting it. When you create a reversal transaction for that constituent you can then include it in your next QuickBooks® desktop export to keep the two systems in sync.