Generate One-Off Documents

Occasionally, you may want to print a single document for an account or journal entry. For example, if a constituent calls to ask about the status of a pledge, you may also want to send a letter detailing previous payments and the remaining balance.

  1. When the document template contains merge fields specific to a journal entry, create the document from the journal entry.

    Tip: When the document template does not contain specific journal entry information, you can generate a single document from the account's Persona page by clicking Create Document.

  2. For Step 1: Criteria, select whether the document should be a PDF or Word file and enter a file name. If your template includes restricted HTML, you cannot generate the document as a Microsoft Word file.

    Note: You cannot edit or modify PDF files that have been generated by eTapestry.

  3. After you select a communication template to use for the document, a preview appears.

  4. If you generate a single document from within a journal entry and the constituent has multiple personas, under Personas to Export, create a hierarchy to indicate the order eTapestry should use to locate the personas and how to merge the field data. By default, eTapestry uses the primary persona. If you select one or more personas, eTapestry consolidates data from the selected personas.

    Note: The preview does not update based on your persona selection.

    If you generate a single document from the account's Persona page, that persona is used, even if it is not the primary persona.

  5. For a split transaction, select a grouping option.

    • Treat each upgrade/split as its own transaction - This creates separate documents for each split.

    • Roll up related upgrades/splits into one transaction - This consolidates all splits into a single transaction, in a single document.

  6. Click Next.

  7. On Step 2: Receipting, select options for your eReceipt. The communication template you select on Step 1: Criteria under Select Template must include the Generated Receipt Number merge value to generate eReceipts.

    When you select Generate, the eReceipt includes the next, unique receipt number that is available in the database.

  8. Click Next.

  9. On Step 3: Delivery, select whether you want to create a journal contact to track the document communication to the account. If so, select a contact method and enter user-defined fields. The Contact includes the subject "Document Generated" and note indicating the category and name of the communication template.

  10. Select a delivery method.

    • Download - Select this to download the document to your local computer. You cannot navigate to another area of eTapestry until after the document is generated and the download is complete.

    • Place Documents in My Drop Box - If your drop box is under its limit, eTapestry places the document in your drop box.You can navigate to other areas of eTapestry and perform data entry-type tasks while the document is generated.

    • Email Documents to Me - Select this to receive the document as an email attachment. Then enter your email address and a subject. You can navigate to other areas of eTapestry and perform data entry-type tasks while the document is generated.

  11. Under Auto-mailing, to send the document to the constituent by email, select Automatically email the documents to accounts with email addresses. Additional email options appear.

    • Use the document's contents as the body of the email itself - We recommend this option for communication such as thank you letters, invitations, newsletters and other day-to-day communication. It reduces the size of the email, download time for your recipient, and the chance of being blocked as spam.

    • Include the document as an attachment on a separate email - When you select this, eTapestry generates documents based on the contents of your template and sends them as attachments on an email.

      Note: When you select the include attachment option, Compose your Auto-mailing email appears. In the drop down field, you can select an email template to begin your template and then edit it using the HTML editor.

    • Enter a subject for the email.

      Tip: You receive a copy of the auto-mailed documents.

  12. To generate the document, click Run.