Automatic Notification Email

When you select the option to Send your organization a confirmation email on DIY forms, you receive a confirmation email every time a visitor completes and submits the form. You can view any User Defined Field information you include on the form from the notification every time that form is submitted, in addition to any hidden fields you use to track values in eTapestry and the Campaign, Approach, and Letter fields when they are populated.

This email follows a standard format. Refer to the following example of a confirmation email for a membership signup.

Congratulations [Organization Name]! You have just received an online entry. The following record has been automatically added to your eTapestry database.

First Name: Susan

Last Name: Member

Address: 123 Organization Lane

City: Greenfield

State: ID

Postal Code: 12423


Phone: 555-555-1234

Amount: $20.00

Fund: General

Frequency: One Time

Tip: For a quick review of all online entries you can run the Online Giving Report in your eTapestry database. You may also want to run a Duplicate Donor Report to ensure that duplicate records have not been input.