Statistical Units

As your organization's financial needs grow, you'll likely need to move amounts from one set of accounts, projects, classes, or grants to another. In the database view, Allocation Management helped you automate the allocation of amounts from one set of accounts to another. The amounts allocated were entered and calculated based only on account balances. In the web view, from General ledger, Statistical units, you can now enter non-financial measures — such as hours worked per project — and use these to determine when and how to move amounts over time.

You can add new units, such as hours worked or square footage. Once you add a unit, it displays as a card where you can enter counts, review last counts and balances, and check the date for a count's most recent change.

To quickly locate a specific unit, use search or sort . To update last count and balance information as of a specific time period, in the Calculate balances with the date(s) of field, specify a timeframe such as This calendar year or This month. To display units marked as inactive, select Show inactive.

You can also open a quick view of the unit without leaving the page — simply select the unit name. A quick view of the unit opens on the right side of the screen where you can view or add count information, edit the unit, mark a unit inactive, or export unit data to Microsoft Excel.