Vendor Record

The vendor record stores all the information about the vendor you need to track and manage, such as contact information, recent activity, bank information, Tax ID number, 1099 information, as well as any notes and actions you want to associate with the vendor.

Note: From a vendor record, you can add alerts, invoices and credit memos. You can also place a vendor on hold and archive the vendor.

Detailed information about the vendor appears in the tiles on the record. You can open and close these tiles to view or hide the information, and you can drag and drop the tiles to the location you want on the page. Move the tiles using the anchor in the top right corner .

Each tile in the Overview tab is described below.

To edit a vendor, access and open the vendor from the Vendors list. From the vendor record, select Edit on the action bar and make your changes. For example, you might want to change the vendor's credit limit. From a vendor record, you can add alerts, invoices and credit memos. You can also place a vendor on hold and archive the vendor.