Managing Security Scenario 1

The following scenario will help you to better understand how to manage security and assign privileges for your site.

Scenario: As the Site Administrator, you would like to restrict certain PageBuilder pages to paid subscribers only. In this case, the Security Group will consist of Constituents. Those who pay a subscription fee, can see additional content. Because we want to limit access to only a few pages, we will create a Security Category for those special pages. We will then create a Group of paid subscribers and permit that Group to see the pages in that Security Category.

To do this, we will take the following steps:

  1. Create a Security Category for the Subscriber Pages.

  2. Create the Subscriber Pages and Assign the Pages to the New Security Category.

  3. Create a Security Group that can See the Pages.

  4. Add Members to the Group.

  5. Give the Group Permission to See the Subscriber Pages.

  6. Test the Permissions.