To use the query results to create a group

  1. Choose the Use Query link on the query Results screen.

  2. In the dialog box that opens, click the radio button for Create a Group and then click Go.

  3. On the New Group Information screen, observe and/or make changes to the following:
    • Group Name - by default the group name is the query name

    • Description - by default the description is also the same as the query description

    • Security Mode - determines the access that members of the group will have to the site

    • Group Type - choose from the drop-down menu or click the second radio button and enter a new type; this represents the group folder where the results will be stored

    • Scheduling Information - if you would like to have this group periodically rebuilt using the query, then check “Periodically rebuild group membership” and click the radio button for the desired schedule.

      Note: Manual changes to a rebuilding group (or changes made by Data Sync) will be eliminated the next time the group is built by the query if those contacts do not meet the query criteria.

  4. Click Save. The Group Information screen should now reflect the new Group ID and the number of users in this group.

Note: The new group will be identified as a query generated group on your Group List. See "Group Management" for more on working with groups.