Sample Advocacy Analysis Report

The first three sample reports shown below illustrate the same action alert data analyzed in three different ways by using the various features that the Advocacy Analysis Report provides. The fourth and fifth examples use different data.

  1. The first Advocacy Analysis Report shown uses "Analyze by Alert name, Recipient Type and Recipient Name" as the Dimension for analysis and reports on a single action alert. For the chart view, we have clicked on the appropriate headings to chart the Recipient Name vs. the Number of Messages Sent to each recipient. Notice that the tool-tip obtained by passing the cursor over any recipient sector adds further clarification to the graphed results.

  1. The second Advocacy Analysis sample report, shown below, uses the same report, but we have chosen to show a bar graph of the Recipient Type vs. the Number of Emails sent, again by clicking on the appropriate headings in the data table at the bottom of the report (as well as the bar chart link).

  1. In the third example of this report, shown below, we have chosen to analyze the same action alert by State, City and Zip as the Dimension for the report. For the chart view, we have clicked on the appropriate headings to chart the Zip code (of residence of the respondents) vs. the Number of Messages Sent.

  1. In the fourth example of this report, shown below, we have chosen to analyze all of our alerts by Source Code as the Dimension for the report. For the chart view, we have clicked on the appropriate headings to chart the Source Code vs. the Number of Messages Sent and we can see that a number of our constituents responded to our email newsletters or to messages that were forwarded by other constituents. The graph is being viewed as a bar chart.

  2. In the final example, shown below, we have chosen to analyze a different set of alerts by Alert Name, Recipient Type, and Recipient Name as the Dimension for the report. For the chart view, we have chosen to view the alert Name vs. the Number of Messages Sent. Since these are different types of alerts (a call alert, an action alert, and a vote alert), it is interesting to compare the number of messages sent by each.