ResearchPoint Search of Raiser's Edge Records

When you search The Raiser's Edge database for prospects to add to ResearchPoint and screen, the program attempts to match the name you enter against the name, nickname, and alias fields on the constituent records in Raiser's Edge.

Tip: If you enter a name and location in the basic search and then click Show advanced search, the program auto populates the information you already entered into the advanced search for you!

In an advanced search, the program can also search Raiser's Edge records for these fields: first name, last name, middle name, nickname, age range, spouse last name, spouse first name, business name, address, city, state, ZIP, constituent ID, and class of.

 If you select to search all saved prospects (Raiser's Edge and ResearchPoint), in the results if you see the Raiser's Edge icon , that means the record that appears is a Raiser's Edge constituent record. To determine if the record has already been added to ResearchPoint, for each result, under the RE ID number, look to see if you have a View RP link or an Add to RP link.

Note: If the Raiser's Edge record is of a deceased person, we now show in the age field that the person is deceased and at what age they passed away.

If you have an Add to RP link, when you add the constituent record to ResearchPoint, you have the option to select the spouse and business. You can also select to screen the record on save. When you save, the Raiser's Edge constituent record and the ResearchPoint prospect record sync. The data that syncs depends on the options you chose when you configured integration. The options include:

  • Biographical Information [first name, middle name, last name, nickname, date of birth, gender, title 1, title 2, suffix 1, suffix 2, and Raiser's Edge constituent ID]

  • Giving Summary [Giving summary history: amount, date, type, and fund for the first, largest, and latest gifts, the total number of gifts, and the total amount given]

    • Soft credits

    • Gift types to include [cash, pledge, stock, gifts-in-kind, recurring gift, planned gift, other]

  • Phone Information [all phone numbers]

    If The Raiser's Edge constituent record has multiple phone numbers listed, ResearchPoint designates the "Home" phone number as "Primary." If no "Home" number exists, ResearchPoint will designate the first number on record as the "Primary."

    Note: On the Bio 1 tab of a constituent record in The Raiser's Edge, if a constituent has the Do Not Contact checkbox selected for phone numbers, emails, or links, we do not show this data from The Raiser's Edge in ResearchPoint. If you need to see the do not contact information, we recommend you open up the constituent record in The Raiser's Edge. We do not show this data in ResearchPoint to make sure you don't accidentally contact the constituent when a preference has been made known previously.

  • Preferred Address Information [address lines, city, state, state abbreviation, ZIP, country, country abbreviation, and address type for the preferred address]

  • Primary business information [primary business name and address lines, city, state, state abbreviation, ZIP, country, country abbreviation, and address type for the primary business]

How to Add a Raiser's Edge Record as a Prospect in ResearchPoint

In the search results grid, click the Add to RP link. The Add new individual screen appears. After you select or enter the spouse and business, select whether to screen the record on save, and click Save. The prospect record creates and appears for you to begin your prospect research.