Raiser's Edge Data in ResearchPoint Wealth Screens

You have an ongoing relationship with your constituents in The Raiser's Edge from the first day they give you a gift or participate in one of your events. As you invest in getting to know them and developing that bond with your organization, you learn more about their addresses, phone numbers, name preferences, and more. Sometimes, you know about an address change before you even screen that information on a prospect search and pull in latest real estate data.

With the ResearchPoint and Raiser's Edge integration, we've provided ways for you to sync that information on the constituent and prospect record. However, we also know that it's important to use the updated information from Raiser's Edge in wealth screens.

After you link your ResearchPoint and Raiser's Edge records, when you perform a wealth screen, the program uses the latest biographical and address information from The Raiser's Edge in wealth screens. You do not even have to perform a sync first. Because Raiser's Edge is the biographical record of choice, it takes priority in wealth screens. However, for wealth record information, ResearchPoint takes priority.

Note: If you have not added a prospect record to Raiser's Edge yet, the biographical information you have on record in ResearchPoint takes priority until a constituent record is created and linked.