
To enhance fundraising efforts and interactions, we recommend you track a constituent's relationships with other individuals and organizations such as family, friends, employers, and so on. The more relationships you track, the more connections between your constituents become evident, similar to a profile on LinkedIn.

On a constituent's record, you can view their related individuals and organizations — except for event guests — under Relationships. For each relationship, you can view how they relate to the constituent — such as Wife or Employer — and, if applicable, when the relationship occurred. You can also expand a relationship for additional details.

Note: To view a constituent's relationship with a guest, select their participant record from Events. In a future release, you’ll also be able to view a constituent's relationships with their guests under Relationships.

Tip: For additional information about a related individual or organization, select their name on the constituent’s record, such as under Relationships or by Spouse.

Under Relationships, you can also add and manage the constituent's related individuals and organizations.

Note: Under Assigned fundraisers on a constituent's record, you can view who helps cultivate their relationship with your organization. For information, see Fundraiser Assignments.

Tip: In the database view, you can manage a constituent's relationships with people, employers, schools, and others from the Relationships tab of their record. You can set up and manage the available types of relationships in Tables from Configuration.