Blackbaud NXT Ratings

To help determine overall wealth of individuals, Target Analytics, a division of Blackbaud Inc., automatically screens constituents located in the United States — except those marked as deceased or inactive — based on their public assets, including:

  • High-confidence real estate ownership, based on their name and address

  • Private company information, based on their reported ownership percentage

  • High-confidence public company insider holdings and options

With this information, you can determine where to focus your fundraising energies and who to ask for larger gifts. On a constituent's record, you can view their wealth analysis under Ratings.

Tip: To view wealth information from Target Analytics for a list of constituents, include the Wealth rating column.

Note: Target Analytics screens each constituent on an annual basis and within one business day of when they're added or updated with a valid address.

Tip: Remember, these ratings are recommendations based on public wealth information to help start prospect research. For more accurate information, use them with additional analysis, such as other resources, your own research and custom models, and the constituent's giving history. For details, see Wealth Ratings Best Practices.