Appeals Analysis Filters

Appeals are the solicitations used to bring in gifts, such as direct mailings, online donation pages, phonathons, auctions, or events. When you analyze the performance of your organization's fundraising efforts in Fundraising, Analyze or Reporting , the metrics under Appeals include all active appeals by default. To include only those that meet specific criteria, such as their related campaigns or funds, use the filters.

Tip: These filters are cumulative, so imagine an "and" between each. For example, if you specify both appeal descriptions and a gift date range, you can analyze and compare campaigns that solicit gifts through specific appeals during the same time period.

Note: Each filter includes up to 500 options. If you select Select all, you include all options, not just the first 500. You can also search for and select an option not in the first 500.

Tip: To reuse frequent filter selections, save their view to easily apply them in the future. For more information, see Saved Views of Dashboards.