Top Campaigns Analysis for a Fund or Appeal

Funds and appeals can help direct gifts toward specific campaigns, which represent your overall fundraising efforts or initiatives. For example, a capital campaign for a new building may use separate funds for its design, construction, and landscaping and appeals to ask for gifts for each cause or the overall initiative. On the record of a fund or appeal, its top-grossing campaigns over the past five years appear under Top campaigns. For each campaign, you can view:

With this information, you can quickly compare the effectiveness of the fund or appeal for each campaign and identify which it impacts the most. If the fund or appeal struggles to drive gifts to a campaign, consider these best practices:

Tip: For deeper analysis of a campaign, select its name to open its record. For more information, see Campaign Records.

Note: Hang tight! It may take up to three hours for these metrics to update based on new or edited information. If no one at your organization has used the reports in over a month, the initial data refresh might take up to 24 hours.