Year-Over-Year Performance Analysis

To analyze whether your fundraising's on track, you can quickly compare giving over the current fiscal year to the previous two years under Year over year performance from Fundraising, Analyze or Reporting, Overview.

Tip: With the Revenue type filter, you can choose whether to analyze revenue received through cash-in-hand giving or committed through pledges and matching gifts. For more information, see Revenue and Recognition.

To view a list of gifts received in a specific month, select its point on the graph. For further analysis, select Create list to open the list in Lists, where you can apply additional filters, choose columns, and save for future reuse. For more information, see Lists.

Note: Pledge totals may differ between a metric and its gifts list. Lists include the original pledge amount, while totals in Analyze or Reporting exclude any write-offs from committed revenue.

As you compare annual giving, set realistic goals and keep in mind any windfalls from previous years that you shouldn't expect to replicate, such as an unusually large one-time grant award or major gift.

Tip: To analyze annual giving through specific appeals or toward specific campaigns or funds, use the filters under Giving. For more information, see Giving Analysis Filters.