Address Finder

To help gauge incorrect or out-of-date address information, Raiser's Edge NXT automatically compares your constituent records against United States Postal Service (USPS) sources. In Tools, Data health, under Scorecard, you can view the Address health score for the general accuracy of your address information. The more complete, accurate, and current your addresses, the better score they receive.

To help improve your Address health score, you can enable Address Finder to run automatically every 90 days. When Address Finder runs, it:

  • Compares your constituents' names and primary addresses against USPS NCOALink and Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) certification

    Note: Address Finder only processes a constituent’s primary address. Currently, seasonal addresses are not included in runs of the service.

  • Updates any inaccurate or out-of-date addresses

When Address Finder updates new addresses, they appear in the USPS-standardized format, with a single address line, USPS-standard abbreviations, and a ZIP+4 format: 

123 Main St Apt 123

Anytown, CO 10101-1234

Note: The format of existing addresses will not be updated by the Address Finder process.

Tip: To enable Address Finder to run, select Get started under Address Finder to set up how it should handle your addresses and to acknowledge Blackbaud can process your data. For more information, see Address Finder Setup.

When you enable Address Finder, under Address Finder, you can view and manage its most recent results and track its next and previous updates.

Tip: To download a PDF of the most recent Address Finder results, under Most recent update, select NCOA Summary Report.

To enable Address Finder to run, your organization must agree that Blackbaud can submit your data for review to identify inaccurate or out-of-date addresses.