Dashboard Properties

You can edit a dashboard's properties when you create or edit a dashboard. Under Report builder, select Edit from the menu of the dashboard you want to edit. Then, select Properties to make your edits.

  • Name: Edit the dashboard's name. This name will be displayed to any users who have access to view this dashboard.

  • Description: Enter a description to provide context for the data in the dashboard.

  • Access: Select who can access this dashboard.

    • Don't grant access to anyone: This option restricts access to just your account.

    • Grant access to everyone with permission to view dashboards: When you select this option, anyone in your organization with permission to see dashboards can access this particular dashboard.

    • Grant access to specific users: This option enables you to grant access to specific users. Select Select users to add individual users. You can only select users who already have permission to view dashboards, and the users receive an email notification.

  • Level of access: When you grant access to other users, by default those users can adjust page filter selections for the dashboards they access. To restrict their access so they can't adjust page filters, select No.

  • Sharing: You can share a dashboard with anyone. This option works best for individuals who don't have an account in Raiser's Edge NXT, but who might need to consume data, such as a board member. To share the dashboard with someone outside Raiser's Edge NXT, select Create a password-protected link for access outside the system and add a password under Set password. Select Copy to copy the URL to your clipboard so you can share it with anyone. The link automatically expires in 10 days or, if you want to deactivate the link before it expires, clear the checkbox and save the dashboard.