Install the Blackbaud Altru Workstation Interface

Warning: To avoid disruptions in printing sales receipts and tickets, you must update the ActiveX Control add-on for Internet Explorer on the Blackbaud Altru Workstation Interface. Please follow these instructions to download and install the new interface on all point of sale workstations prior to the 4.2 upgrade. Wait to update workstations used for batch printing until after the 4.2 upgrade.

Install the Blackbaud Altru Workstation Interface

  1. Log in to the workstation with local administrator rights.

  2. Download to the computer's desktop.

  3. Double-click Blackbaud.AppFx.Programming.WebShellWorkstation.msi to open the setup wizard.

  4. Follow the prompts to install the workstation interface on the machine.

    Note: You may receive a message to uninstall or repair the existing version of the workstation interface files before you can continue. Click Uninstall and complete the uninstall process. Then repeat step 3.

  5. Repeat steps 1-3 on all point of sale workstations. Installation will take approximately 15 seconds per workstation.

    Note: Backoffice workstations that do not print tickets or receipts do NOT need to be updated.

To verify that the files installed successfully, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu.

  2. Click Control Panel.

  3. Click Programs. Then click Programs and Features.

  4. In the programs list, find "Blackbaud Altru Workstation Interface."

  5. Verify that the version is 1.3.0.

Note: After installing the new version of the interface, the Workstation interface task on the Print Setup page in Tickets will display a red X until you are upgraded to 4.2. You can ignore this indicator. After you are upgraded to 4.2, the task will display a green checkmark.

Please contact the Support Team via chat if you have any questions.