Constituent Queries and Smart Fields

Version 5.0 includes new query and smart field definitions to help your development staff find information about potential donors.

Total Number of Visits Smart Field and Admission Visits Ad-hoc Query

This smart field calculates a constituent’s total number of visits and considers orders that include free items. For example, this is useful if you want to query on the total number of visits by your active members who don't pay admission fees.

This smart field is based on the Constituent revenue application counts smart field definition, which now Includes the $0.00 payments/orders option. When you select this option, the Total Number of Visits smart field pulls in orders with $0.00 tickets (in addition to orders with tickets that were discounted to $0.00 that were already included in this definition).

The Application selection field on this defintion is set to use the new "Admission Visits" ad-hoc query. This query provides a starting point — you can add other fields as needed.

Tip: You'll need to process the smart field before it will display values on records or queries.

Note: If you already have a smart field named "Total Number of Visits" or a query named "Admission Visits," the program will append "System default" to the name of the new smart field or query so you can distinguish which version is yours.

Updates to Donor List Smart Query

We’ve added fields to this query to include the Primary Email and Primary Phone, and whether the donor has chosen to Give Anonymously.

Consecutive Giving Years Ad-hoc Query and Smart Field

Use this smart field to calculate a donor’s consecutive giving years for marketing efforts, end of year appeals, and to view details about donors and supporters. Revenue types selected for the smart field by default are donations, pledges and recurring gifts, but you can update these as needed.

The new Consecutive Giving Years query definition pulls in this smart field to help you to identify which donors are giving consistently.

Tip: You must run the smart field process before the query will include results.

Revenue and Recognition Dynamics Smart Query

With this new smart query type (similar to Revenue Dynamics), you can query on both hard and soft credits to identify lapsed donors with potential to donate again.