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Country And State API


Country And State API - Endpoints

Country - GET

Summary:Returns a list of all active countries alphabetized by their description.

Behavior:Will return information about all active countries alphabetized by their description.

Possible Responses
Status Body Description
200 OK Array of Countries Returns an array country objects

Example Responses:

Name: Success

Status: 200 OK


                        “[{Id:'2C3F57A7-65DE-4D55-89EF-7857E6EDD53C', Abbreviation='CA', Description:'Canada'},{Id:'B4837D3E-36F6-42F4-8049-CC2A2B108F9E', Abbreviation='US', Description:'United States'}]”

Country/{Id} - GET

Summary:Returns information about a specific country.

Behavior:If the provided country Id is valid, then this will return information about the country.

Name Type Required Description
Id GUID true Id of a country.
Possible Responses
Status Body Description
404 Not Found No country was found by the specified Id.
200 OK Country Returns a country object

Example Responses:

Name: Success

Status: 200 OK


                        “{Id:'B4837D3E-36F6-42F4-8049-CC2A2B108F9E', Abbreviation='US', Description:'United States'}”

Country/{Id}/State - GET

Summary:Returns a list of states associated with a country, alphabetized by their description.

Behavior:If the provided country Id is valid, then this will return a list of state objects for each state associated with the country. The states will be returned alphabetized description.

Name Type Required Description
Id GUID true Id of a country.
Possible Responses
Status Body Description
404 Not Found No country was found by the specified Id.
200 OK Array of States Returns an array of state objects for the given country alphabetized by their description.

Example Responses:

Name: Success

Status: 200 OK


                        “[{Id:'70BF9733-5D24-46F4-A40C-61F6D2765575', Abbreviation='SC', Description:'South Carolina'}]”