Blackbaud AppFx Web Service (AppFxWebService.asmx)

This is the main API used by our client browser, the shell. In other words, the shell is the primary user interface for an Infinity-based application.

The AppFxWebService.asmx exposes every application feature including data lists, data forms, query, batch, security, and more. The AppFxWebService.asmx is a general purpose API that does not know anything about specific catalog specs/features. For example, you won't find an AddPhone web method. Instead there is the DataFormSave method that takes an ID of a catalog item. So to save a phone number, you call DataFormSave and one of the parameters is the ID of the AddPhoneForm catalog item. Infinity applications are N-Tiered, which means the code that makes up the application is split into separate layers.

AppFxWebService is the base Web API for Infinity. The SDK also includes .NET assemblies which wrap the AppFxWebService.asmx.

Pros of the AppFxWebService

Cons of the AppFxWebService

For more details and examples that use Blackbaud AppFx Web Service, see AppFxWebService.asmx API.

For more background information about Infinity Web APIs, see:

Introduction to the Infinity Web Service APIs

Or a for a more in depth discussion, see:

API Overview