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Sponsorship Search

Use the Sponsorship Search part to create a search section on your website for users to find available opportunities to sponsor. You can provide two levels of search — a simple search and an advanced search. For example, you can provide the advanced search so users have the option to refine their search criteria for more precise results. The sponsorship data that appears in search results integrates from Sponsorship in Blackbaud CRM. Users select a child or project to sponsor from the search results.

When you add the part to a web page, the search criteria appears at the top of the page and search results appear at the bottom of the page. After users find an opportunity to sponsor, they click a link to a page that contains a Sponsorship Form part. The sponsorship page includes information about the opportunity, as well as payment options for the sponsorship. For more information about the Sponsorship Form part, see Sponsorship Form

Sponsorship information integrates from Blackbaud CRM. For more information, see the Blackbaud CRM Sponsorship Guide.

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