You are here: Parts > Create and Edit Parts > Language Tab

Language Tab

Use the Language tab to rename labels, headings, and other text on your web pages. For example, if you do not want the anonymous gift checkbox to display I prefer to make this donation anonymously on the donation page, you can change the text to Anonymous gift. For the Tag Display part, you can enter the header that appears before the list of tags. You can also choose the punctuation mark, or delimiter, that separates entries in displays that include only tags on the selected page.

You can also enter localized text in another language for the items that appear on the Language tab. For example, you can create a Donation Form part for English and enter localized text for Spanish. On the Language tab, you enter the localized text for each language. You use this tab in combination with other features to create international pages for your website.

Rename and localize text

Add Localized Text For Web Pages