You are here: Parts > Create and Edit Parts > Language Tab > Rename and localize text

Rename and localize text

1. Select the Language tab of a part.

Tip: The Language tab appears on the Donation Form, eCards, Giving Search, Language Selector, Payment, Tag Display, Transaction Manager, User Email Preferences Form, and User Login parts.

2. In the Category field, select the area of the part to rename text for.
3. In the Language field, select the language to localize.

You select the languages that appear in the Language box on the Settings tab in Sites & settings.

4. Refer to the Item name column to enter text in the Text column. This text replaces the default text.
Enter the text to replace the default label or heading. For example, for the Anonymous gift checkbox item, you do not want the checkbox to display I prefer to make this donation anonymously on the web page. In the Text column, enter “Anonymous gift” to change the name of the checkbox.
Enter localized text for selected languages. For example, to create a Spanish web page, you can change the text to “Donación anónimo." In the Language field, select the next language to localize. When you toggle the Language field between multiple languages, the localized text appears in the Text column for each language.
For more information about multiple languages on your website, see Add Localized Text For Web Pages.
For the Tag Display part, you can enter a new delimiter to separate tag entries.

Note: The delimiter separates entries in tag displays that show only tags for the parts on a page. For tag displays that include all tags in use, entries appear on separate lines by default and the delimiter does not appear. To add a delimiter to a tag display for all tags, you must modify the BBTagDelimiterAll element under Tag Display for the appropriate style sheet. For information about how to manage style elements, see Style Sheets.