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Design Forms

When you create online forms for your website, you use the Form Designer to include presentation elements and field elements. Presentation elements include steps, sections, images, and text. Forms are organized into steps and sections, and each form requires at least one step and section before you can add other elements. Field elements include text fields, text areas, radio button lists, checkboxes, checkbox lists, dropdown lists, and a special email field that sends confirmation email messages to the email addresses that users enter. These fields do not map to a database outside of the program. When you add multiple steps to a form, website users page through the form from one step to the next. If you charge a fee for users to submit the form, the payment information appears as an additional step.

In addition to presentation elements and field elements that are available on all forms, the Online Admissions and Online Reenrollment form types allow you to add pre-mapped field sets that map to corresponding fields in The Education Edge. With these form types, you can accept applications online and map the data that users submit to The Education Edge. After you add a field set to an Online Admissions or Online Reenrollment form, it appears under Available elements and you can add its fields to the form.

After you complete a form, you use a Form Display part to place it on the website. On the web page with the part, website users can access all forms that you include on the part. From the web page, users can start forms, view their statuses, and resume, delete, and print forms.

For Online Admissions forms, you can also allow users to review checklist items.

For more information about the Form Display part, see Form Display.

After you place the Form Display part on the website, you return to Forms to manage your forms. You can use the Form Designer to adjust the forms as necessary, and on the Data tab, you can view summary information about the forms and manage the data that website users submit. On this tab, you can view overall statistics for each form and access the data that website users enter on the forms. You can also create PDFs with user data.

For Online Admissions and Online Reenrollment forms, you can also resubmit form data to the Online Admissions and Online Reenrollment Plug-in.

For more information about the Data tab, see Manage Data from Online Forms.

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