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Manage Rules

When you create online forms for your website, you use the Form Designer to include presentation elements and field elements. Presentation elements include steps, sections, images, and text. Forms are organized into steps and sections, and each form requires at least one step and section before you can add other elements. Field elements include text fields, text areas, radio button lists, and more.

In addition to presentation elements and field elements that are available on all forms, the Online Admissions and Online Reenrollment form types allow you to add pre-mapped field sets that map to corresponding fields in The Education Edge. With these form types, you can accept applications online and map the data that users submit to The Education Edge.

To guide users through the form, you can show, hide, require, or disable fields, steps, or sections based on the values users enter in fields with a yes or no, dropdown, or radio button response. Before you set up rules, we recommend you plan out and enter your form first. Then, you can set up field rules, section rules, or step rules. In field rules, you can show, hide, require, or disable fields based on the value entered in a field. For example, if a student says yes, he received his tetanus shot, you can require him to fill out the date of his last shot.

In section rules, you can show or hide sections based on the value the user entered in a field. In step rules, similar to section rules you can show or hide steps based on the value the user entered in a field.

On the Form Designer, Form builder tab, to set up form rules, click Manage rules.

Create a form rule