Google Workspace Setup

Your organization can use Google Workspace and its APIs to securely connect its users to technology. To enable your organization's Blackbaud IDs to sign in to Blackbaud solutions through Google, create a Google web application in your Google API Console and configure the following settings in Authentication:

  • Your organization's primary Google domain or domain alias (To view your domains in the Google API Console, select Credentials, Domain verification.)

  • The client ID and secret generated when you create your application

To prevent inadvertent lockouts:

  • Complete configuration during a maintenance window for your organization's network.

  • Ensure that you have a Blackbaud ID outside of your claimed domains with access to Authentication.

Keep in mind that if you set up your Google Workspace connection and users with Blackbaud IDs on your claimed domains select Sign in with Google, they will encounter an error.

Tip: For a visual reference of the steps to set up Google as your identity provider (IdP) for an SSO connection with Blackbaud ID, see our Blackbaud Developers Conference presentation.

To clear your setup and start over, select Erase all single sign-on settings. For more information, see Single Sign-on Setup.

For information about how to set up a custom Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 app in your Google Workspace admin console for single sign-on (SSO), see SAML 2.0 Setup for Google Workspace.

If you have issues with your Google application, see SSO Connection Troubleshooting.