Appeal Mailing Record

When you add an appeal mailing, the program automatically creates a record of the mailing. From the record, you can view summary information about the mailing, such as its package and mail date. To access the record of a mailing from the Appeal Mailings page, click its name under Appeal mailings.

From the summary section, you can update the mailing’s recipient count and calculate its estimated net revenue and expenses. After you create a mailing and configure its recipients, you can activate the mailing.

From the record of an appeal mailing, you can manage its letters and assigns tasks to staff members involved with the mailing. After you activate the mailing, you can also view and manage the response information and refresh process of the mailing. To track the effectiveness of the mailing, you can also add or edit key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with the mailing. To help you navigate through this information, the appeal mailing record includes multiple tabs.