View as Web Page

When you send advanced mass email, you can include a link that enables users to view the email contents in a web browser. Because some email providers do not render HTML code correctly, some recipients choose to view email in their web browsers to avoid display problems.

To include a view as web page link on a specific email, from the communication template click Settings and select Include "View as Web Page" Link under Advanced Mass Email Options. The link appears at the top of the email contents. When a recipient clicks the link, his default web browser opens to show the email content.

After you send an advanced mass email that includes the view as web page link, you can also create links to the hosted web version of that email. For example, if you send a newsletter by email, you could also create a blog post that links to the emailed newsletter. If your communication includes data merge tags, the hosted version of the email uses the default values for each field.

Your delivery report includes the primary link to the hosted version of the email. For details about the report, refer to Delivery Report.