Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a government incentive that enables a donor to donate the tax amount of their gift as additional giving to you. For every £1 you receive, you can claim an additional 25 pence from His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). That's a 25% increase to the gift amount at no additional cost to the donor.

To submit a claim, the gift must both qualify and be eligible for Gift Aid.

  • Most gifts qualify for claims, but HMRC doesn't accept certain types — such as those given in exchange for goods or services, or through charity accounts like Charities Aid Foundation — so your organisation can set rules for when to disqualify them. If a gift doesn't qualify for Gift Aid, the applicable disqualification rules appear under Gift Aid on its record.

  • For a gift to be eligible, you must have a declaration — or written permission — from its donor that applies for the date of the gift and indicates they pay tax. You receive the incentive after you provide the declaration with the gift amount to HMRC.

Tip: In the database view, you can specify tax settings and rates in Gift Aid from Configuration.

To enable donors to declare and decline Gift Aid from a Blackbaud Donation Form, include the Gift Aid component on the form.