You are here: Parts > Create and Edit Parts > Language Tab > Implement multiple languages on your website

Implement multiple languages on your website

1. On the Settings tab in Sites & settings, select the languages to associate with your website. For example, if your website audience includes Spanish and French users, select Español (Mexico) and français (Canada) in the Language box. For more information, see Language settings.
2. Create a part specifically for a language. You can create localized pages in two ways.
On the part’s Properties tab, in the Target language field, select the language for the part. If the website user’s primary language for the Internet browser is selected to the same language in the Target language field, the part appears on the web page. If the browser is selected to a different language, the part does not appear. If the part applies to all languages, leave the default “<All>” in the field. For more information, see Properties Tab.
On a part’s Language tab, in the Language field, select the language to localize. In the Text column, enter the localized text for the web page. Create the Language Selector part. This part displays a Language drop down field on your website. A website user selects a language preference from the field on the web page. After the user selects the language, the page renders the localized text. For more information, see Language Tab and Language Selector.
3. Add all applicable parts to a template or page in Pages & templates.