You are here: Administration > Workflows


In Workflows, you create and manage the content approval workflows for Formatted Text and Images and Formatted Text and Images (Secured) parts on your website. With a workflow, users in specific roles must approve the content of a part before it appears on your website. When you create a workflow, you select whether it is the default workflow for the selected part type and designate users who can approve content. To access Workflows, from Administration, click Workflows.

Note: When you design a Formatted Text and Images or Formatted Text and Images (Secured) part, you select its workflow on the Content Approval tab. On the Content Approval tab, you also select the approval status for the part: “Draft” or “Ready for Approval.” To display the content on your website, users with approval rights can select an approval status of “Publish.” For more information about the Content Approval tab, see Content Approval Tab.

Create a workflow

Edit a workflow

Workflow Approval Status

Part Approval Notification Merge Fields