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Test Lists

In Lists, you can create a list of users to receive an email message or a newsletter issue as a test before you send the email to its final recipients. The test list recipients can review the message or newsletter to confirm that its design displays correctly in multiple email client readers. From Lists, create a list based on the “User Defined” data source. Save the list, then open it and select the View/Edit list tab. From this tab, you can manually enter email addresses for the recipients to receive the test message.

When you design the email message or newsletter issue, you can select its test list and perform a test send to the users in the list. For information about how to create an email list, see Lists. For information about how to design an email message, see Messages. For information about how to design a newsletter issue, see Newsletters.

Note: Test messages do not display merge field data; placeholders are included where the merge data will appear in the final message. To test merge fields, select the test list in the To field and then select Send final.