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Email Delivery Status

When you send an email, the program prepares the email, retrieves any merge data from other Blackbaud programs, processes the email, and then uploads the email to the Blackbaud NetCommunity mail server to be sent to its recipients.

After you send an email, you can view the current status of the sent message or newsletter issue. To view the delivery status of an email, access its Message Report or Issue Report screen and select the Summary tab. In the Delivery status frame, the Status field displays the current status of the email. For information about the Summary tab, see View details about a sent message or View the tabs of a sent newsletter issue.

“Created” – The email is created but is not yet prepared for processing.
“Prepared” – The email is in the queue to be processed.
“Processing” – The email is being processed. This includes retrieving merge data from another Blackbaud program.
“Processed” – The program processed the email, and it is in the queue to upload to the mail server.
“No Valid Recipients” – The email cannot be delivered to the selected email list. For example, the email list may not contain any recipients or its recipients may not have valid email addresses.
“Uploading” – The website is uploading the email to the Blackbaud NetCommunity mail server.
“Upload Failed” – The website could not upload the email to the mail server. When this happens, the website automatically tries to upload the email again.
“Accepted” – The mail server received the email and put it in the queue to be processed.
“Active” – The mail server is processing the email to prepare it for delivery.
“Completed” – The mail server processed the email, and it was sent or is in the queue to be sent.

Note: When the Status field displays “Completed,” the mail server may be in the process of sending the email to its recipients. Some messages or newsletter issues in the email may not yet be sent.

“Exception” – The email could not be uploaded to the Blackbaud NetCommunity mail server due to an error when the website processed the email.
“Exception on Server” – The email could not be sent due to an error on the Blackbaud NetCommunity mail server.
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