How to Evaluate Your Organization Through a Transparency Lens
Key Insights from Four Philanthropy Experts
Historically, there has been a power imbalance between the organizations that have the grants and the organizations that receive the grants. That imbalance makes it difficult to build a trust-based relationship between a foundation and the communities they serve.
Incorporating transparency into your foundation’s processes gives your grantees a better understanding of how you make decisions.
Download this tip sheet to learn how to evaluate your grantmaking program and identify ways to incorporate more transparency into your process, including how grantees:
See your organization through your mission, your website, and your physical location
Interact with your organization through your application and communication
Participate in your program through reporting, off-boarding, and feedback opportunities
Want to learn more?
As part of Blackbaud’s Thought Leadership Webinar Series, Shaady Salehi, the Executive Director of the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, hosted Lisa Maloney-Vinz, Director of Global Community Relations for the Ecolab Foundation, Drexell Owusu, Chief Impact Officer at The Dallas Foundation, and Lauren Scott, Executive Director, Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund, to discuss how transparency has informed and transformed their organizations.
Check out the full webinar for more tips and ideas around incorporating transparency into your grantmaking process.