Blackbaud Newsroom
Blackbaud Employees Salute and Remember Veterans

November 11 marked Veterans Day in the US and Remembrance Day in many countries. Last week our employees took time to observe as a global company and did so with an added degree of solemnity given current world events. In times of global turmoil, it is fitting to recognize the unique experiences of Veterans everywhere and acknowledge their service and sacrifice.
At Blackbaud, our employees observed both Veterans Day and Remembrance Day. From the US to the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, our employees acknowledged these special days to honor and thank all those who have served in the military, both in wartime and peacetime.
Last week we commemorated the observance with several engagement opportunities for employees to get involved in, including sharing heartfelt quotes and photos of their loved ones who are serving or have served in the military. US employees wore red for Wear R.E.D. (Remember Everyone Deployed) Thursday to show support for troops who are currently deployed. Others used custom Veterans Day and Remembrance Day Microsoft Teams backgrounds to represent the observance in their meetings and many observed two minutes of silence to remember those lost in war.
Whether you observe Veterans Day or Remembrance Day, this is an opportunity for us all to express our appreciation and respect for the brave men and women who have defended our freedom. Let us never forget their service and sacrifice.