Hewitt and Johnston Consultants Inc.

Since hjc was founded in 1992, digital and integrated marketing and fundraising has been our focus. We deeply understand Blackbaud’s platforms and systems—and like to keep our “finger on the pulse” of the many tools available. In this way, we are able to offer the best possible Blackbaud solutions to our clients based on their needs, budget and business model. 

Hjc has a multi-decade, proven record working with non-profits and broad knowledge of digital and non-digital best practices. With a mantra of “innovation first”, hjc is one of the best-known agencies in North America, having built a reputation for leading-edge fundraising innovation over the last 30 years.  

For over 15 years, we have partnered with Blackbaud to publish the Next Generation of Canadian, American, and UK Giving and other research papers on EOY giving, journey mapping, and more. We’re deeply committed, like Blackbaud, to help the social good community examine their supporter’s passions, beliefs, and preferences through a generational lens. 

Hjc is a premier Blackbaud partner across key markets including healthcare philanthropy, social service, higher education, faith, food banks, humane societies, environmental, and overseas development—serving social impact organizations across North America with change management, marketing, omnichannel, and digital-only solutions for supporter engagement and fundraising. We provide a wide range of assistance through our in-house team of 25+ project managers, graphic designers, marketing consultants, copywriters, and developers. We believe in being holistic practitioners—providing assistance with marketing, brand, fundraising, and communication initiatives where needed.

Partner Type:
  • Channel
  • Canada,
  • North America
  • Blackbaud Luminate CRM,
  • Blackbaud Luminate Online,
  • Blackbaud TeamRaiser

Contact Information

Michael Johnston, Founder and President, info@hjcnewmedia.com, 416-588-7780, 1-877-492-2719, Toronto, Vancouver, Portland