5 Tips for Grantmakers to Jumpstart a Culture of Well-Being for Employees and Grantees

How Your Grantmaking Organization Can Do Good Work, Sustainably

Creating a healthier workplace for yourself, employees, and grantees requires a long-term commitment to transforming burnout culture—where exhaustion is an accepted norm—to a culture that supports our whole health and fuels us to do good work in a sustainable way for the long haul.

In this tip sheet from The Mindful Techie Meico Marquette Whitlock, he outlines five best practices for creating a culture of well-being for your employees and your grantees, including:

  • Why you need prioritize your well-being before you can help your employees and grantees
  • How to assess your organization’s current level of support for workplace mental health and well-being
  • What you need to create a well-being vision statement and team-based action plan

Download this tip sheet today and start creating a culture that supports more resilient, productive, and successful employees and grantees.