Industry-leading fundraising platform
Fundraising built for smaller orgs
Powerful insights for prospect research
Comprehensive online fundraising campaigns
Trusted peer-to-peer fundraising
Purpose-built nonprofit accounting
Secure nonprofit and school payment processing
Integrated LMS, SIS, enrollment management, websites, and more
Connected tuition and fees management for your school
Ticketing and membership for arts and cultural organizations
CSR employee volunteering and giving
Powerful grant management for funders
Discover why we're your best partner
Industry-leading research and insights
Our comprehensive approach to AI
See why teams like yours choose Blackbaud
Software that grows with you
Extend your solutions. Amplify your impact. Partner with us to tap into new markets, innovate, and grow.
Join Blackbaud's partner program to build, sell, refer, and service our unmatched solutions for social impact.
Advance your goals with free tip sheets, ebooks, videos, and more from our experts
Sector trends and insights from the Blackbaud Institute
Best practices and the latest learning for social good professionals
Learn to attract and harness the generosity of spontaneous givers.
Flexible, free, and subscription-based training options on products and industry best practices
Whether you want to self-serve or need help, we have options that fit your needs
Additional Learning and Help Resources
RESOURCE | Webinar
In this on-demand webinar, Dr. Justin Camp shares his experience in change management in private schools while exploring the interplay between culture, engagement, and technology.
Learn More
RESOURCE | Datasheet
Discover the top five reasons why using Blackbaud Tuition Management as your accounts receivable subledger could be a game changer for your school.
Flip through the pages of our lookbook to discover how nonprofit and healthcare organizations, schools, and foundations use Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT to expand their major giving programs to reach their mission goals.
The 16th annual Luminate Online® Benchmark Report collects data from nonprofit organizations across industry verticals so organizations can analyze their digital fundraising and marketing performance.
RESOURCE | White Paper
If you are ready to make the move to more equity-driven grantmaking for your hospital foundation, download this whitepaper to learn how.
RESOURCE | Tip Sheet
Discover favorite uses for the “shopping cart” feature in Blackbaud Tuition Management and the benefits of having it in the same portal where families pay tuition and fees.
Our innovative platform starts with an industry-leading SIS/LMS in one system that empowers schools to streamline communication, facilitate collaboration, and engage families and caregivers in their children’s education.
Stale content, declining form submissions, and subpar search engine performance? Discover 8 indicators that your school website is due for an upgrade.
RESOURCE | Toolkit
Download this technology priorities quiz to help you streamline your grantmaking technology and create more efficient processes.
Download this datasheet to learn how Blackbaud Grantmaking can help your healthcare foundation streamline your sponsorships and improve stewardship.
Download this toolkit to help you create a grantmaking organization where your employees and your grantees thrive.
Explore stewardship best practices to engage, upgrade, and retain donors at every stage, at every level of giving.