Industry-leading fundraising platform
Fundraising built for smaller orgs
Powerful insights for prospect research
Comprehensive online fundraising campaigns
Trusted peer-to-peer fundraising
Purpose-built nonprofit accounting
Secure nonprofit and school payment processing
Integrated LMS, SIS, enrollment management, websites, and more
Connected tuition and fees management for your school
Ticketing and membership for arts and cultural organizations
CSR employee volunteering and giving
Powerful grant management for funders
Discover why we're your best partner
Industry-leading research and insights
Our comprehensive approach to AI
See why teams like yours choose Blackbaud
Software that grows with you
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Advance your goals with free tip sheets, ebooks, videos, and more from our experts
Sector trends and insights from the Blackbaud Institute
Best practices and the latest learning for social good professionals
Learn to attract and harness the generosity of spontaneous givers.
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Whether you want to self-serve or need help, we have options that fit your needs
Additional Learning and Help Resources
RESOURCE | Tip Sheet
Learn how to stay prepared in the face of economic uncertainty as a fundraiser.
Learn More
Chapter 2 of The Art and Science of Running a K-12 School, contains insights, the latest trends, and real-life examples of how fellow school leaders are delivering an exceptional admissions experience.
Ensure your software solutions have these five qualities that are essential to modern school operations.
RESOURCE | White Paper
Stealth applicants present an opportunity for K-12 admissions and marketing teams. If you can capture this audience, you will grow enrollment, expedite tuition collection, and increase student retention.
This guide will outline the four steps to choosing grant management software so you can find a cloud-based solution best suited to your organization’s needs, both now and in the future.
Take control of your annual fund strategy by following the no-nonsense, four-step tip sheet from nonprofit strategist, author, and Fundraising Insights webinar series host, Steve MacLaughlin.
Analytics and data visualization not only provide insights into the giving at your organization, but it also saves you valuable time by putting the most valuable information you need to see right at your fingertips.
RESOURCE | Webinar
Do SKY lists or Advanced lists best suit your needs? Discover how to get started, how to build upon your results, and how to share and manage your lists.
Three key facts everyone should know about private schools and five classroom practices to make teachers an essential part of healthy school enrollment.
Learn how to use checklists—an integral part of your enrollment management system—to set expectations and streamline processes for new and returning students
Tips for creating successful social media campaigns and increasing engagement, plus examples of how one school used social media to advance its admissions goals
Learn how one school consolidated data, streamlined practices, and improved consistency with Blackbaud’s Education Management Solutions.